Jason Van
Bemmel asks, "So, who wants to be relevant? Well, I do. I want to speak
the truth of God in a way that my generation will understand. But I don’t think
we’ll do that by capturing the White House or the music charts. I think we’ll
only do that by loving one another and the world around us radically and
sacrificially – just like Jesus."
Finally, to
be real and relevant in this generation is to be relational. Faith Worship
Center in Greensville, SC uses this statement on their website: “real,
relevant, relational…that’s faith!” Someone
once said, “This generation doesn’t care if it’s true. They want to know if
it’s real.” To be real means it works relationally, in everyday, lived-out
relationships. The postmodern preacher must be a relational communicator,
building community. And, speaking humbly, he must also proclaim the relational
message of the Scriptures.