Bono & Eugene Peterson

Confessions of an Unemployed Minister - Part Six: Bono & Eugene Peterson

One person I have been trying to get on my GodPod for two years is Eugene Peterson. He was one of my profs at Regent College. I took every class he ever taught there. I personally attended most of them, and acquired recordings of the few courses I couldn’t actually be present for. I also spent time with Dr. Peterson in his office getting personal counsel for my life and career. Over the years, following my studies, he has been so kind as to write me and chat on the phone a few times.

In one of our phone conversations this year I was again trying to get him to agree to record a chat for my podcast. With each subject we discussed I'd say, "That's a podcast!" He'd say, "No. I find all this technology distracting." I'd say, "Tell me why - that'd be a good podcast!" He turned me down. I finally said, “Well, I’ve been turned down by the best!” Then I explained that another person I had been trying but failing to book was the lead singer of U2, Bono. I had just attended their concert in Vancouver and had tried several avenues to connect and interview him. Dr. Peterson said, “Oh, he was just here.”

I nearly dropped the phone. “What?!” I choked out.  He said, “Yes, he came to visit me and we spent the day talking about the Psalms.” "What?!” I chocked out again. “You mean two of my favorite people were together talking about my favorite subject and you didn’t invite me?!” He said, “I didn’t know you’d be interested.” I told him that 66% of my fantasy "meal with any three people on earth" had just happened and I missed it. He laughed. I cried.

Well, some fine people from Fuller Seminary were there to record the event and they produced a lovely little movie of these two artists discussing a shared passion for God’s people engaging with God through honest words. Watch the movie here

And here’s a picture of the two of them. Look, Bono is showing one finger meaning, “There’s one person missing – James Prette!” Classic Bono!